Use of our material:

All original materials link are created by Kelly Riedell for students in Biology/Zoology classes at Brookings High School  and are licensed under a Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

We have worked very hard on activities, Powerpoints/games/worksheets, etc to make this a resource for our students. If you are using our materials, please give us credit for our efforts by listing us as a source with links to our site. DO NOT USE these materials for commercial purposes. PLEASE DO NOT POST ANSWER KEYS FOR OUR MATERIALS TO OTHER WEBSITES!
Any questions, comments, or corrections can be directed to Kelly Riedell at


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This is a demo that shows what happens to organisms that live in hypo/hypertonic environments.

2 fish bowls
dialysis tubing
sugar water *
egg white *

* Use leftovers from Egg osmosis activity

1. Tie end of dialysis bag, fill about half fill with distilled/tap water. Remove air, but leave some room at end of tubing for expansion. Tie end.

2. Repeat and fill bag with sugar water/egg white. * Try to fill the bags with approximately the same size volume.

3. Fill two fish bowls with tap water and label one as FRESH WATER and one as SALT WATER (MARINE)


1. Show students bags and say they will represent "fish" in different environments.
You can even use permanent marker to draw a fish outline on each bag! Have them notice they are the same starting size.

2. Then drop one fish in each bowl. The tube filled with plain water goes in the salt water bowl. The tube with sugar/egg goes in the fresh water bowl.

3. Make a show of adding salt to the salt water bowl. Using a big salt container rather than a shaker is a pretty good visual and the kids will remember which is which.

4. Let them sit over night. The next day check to see "how our fish are doing". The "fish" in salt water will deflate; the "fish" in fresh water will expand.

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