HUMAN DISORDERS REVIEW                                                                  


1.  Name the genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene that causes red blood cells to change shape.


2. Which food group must persons with phenylketonuria (PKU) avoid in order to prevent mental retardation?


                          Carbohydrates       Fats       Proteins      Nucleic acids


3. How is a pedigree different  from a karyotype?


4. Mutations that cause death are called ______________ mutations.


5. Give an example of an AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE genetic disorder.


6. Tay-Sachs disorder is more common in people whose ancestors are from which group of people?

                   A. African Americans      

                   B. Caucasians

                   C. Jewish or Middle Eastern/Mediterranean


7.  People with Cystic Fibrosis _______________

                   A. can’t transport Chloride ions

                   B. can’t clot their blood

                   C.  accumulate lipids in their brains

                   D. are “little people”


8. Give an example of an AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT genetic disorder.


9. Tell how hemophilia is inherited. (CHOOSE TWO)


                   Autosomal         X-linked        Dominant          Recessive


10.  The failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called _________.


11. Name a genetic disorder caused by #10.


12.  An organized picture of an individual’s chromosomes is called a ______________.


13. Tell how Huntington’s disorder is inherited. (CHOOSE TWO)


                   Autosomal    X-linked      Dominant    Recessive

 14. Tell the sex of the person in this karyotype.

15. Persons who are heterozygous for sickle cell disease are resistant to a parasitic disease carried by mosquitoes called _____________ .

16. Which genetic disorder does this person have?




17.  Name a genetic disorder that is X-LINKED.


18. X-LINKED RECESSIVE disorders show up more in which sex?     FEMALES         MALES


19. Persons with ______________ can’t make a blood clotting protein and can bleed to death from a cut or bruise.


20. Inactivated X chromosomes seen as dark spots attached to the nuclear membrane in female cells are called _____________________


21. Persons with ACHONDROPLASIA __________________

                   A. can’t make blood clotting factors

                   B. have defective chloride ion channels

                   C. are resistant to malaria

                   D. are also called “little people”



22. The chromosomes that are NOT sex chromosomes are called _________________.



23. Which individuals in this pedigree  are males that show a recessive genetic disorder?





24.  Grandpa and Grandma in the diagram above are represented by shapes that are half filled in. What does this mean?


25. Many autosomal recessive mutations that cause genetic disorders stay in populations because individuals with one mutant allele and one normal allele have some benefit. This is called ______________

26. A female with only one X chromosome has_____________ syndrome.


27. Which genetic disorder is found in a pedigree of the royal families of Europe?


28. Sickle cell disease is more common in people whose ancestors are from which group of people?

                   A. African Americans      

                   B. Caucasians

                   C. Jewish or Middle Eastern/Mediterranean



MALES CAN'T be carriers for AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE disorders.

30. Tell how Colorblindness is inherited.  (CHOOSE TWO)


          Autosomal   OR  X-linked 


           Dominant  OR   Recessive 




31. __________ is a condition, like Down syndrome, in which cells have THREE copies of one of its chromosome pairs.


32. A male with an XXY karyotype has _________________ syndrome. 



33. How many Barr bodies do normal male cells have?


34. A change in the genetic code of an organism is called a _______________.


35. Autosomes are found in
              only gametes
              only somatic cells
              both gametes and somatic cells

36. Cystic fibrosis is more common in which ethnic group?




37. Name a genetic disorder you learned about that could be called a trisomy.


38.  Which of the following is inherited as an AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE disorder?

                             A. Down syndrome

                             B. Tay-Sachs

                             C. Huntington’s disease

                             D. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy



Females can’t show X-linked recessive disorders like colorblindness or hemophilia.


40. Which parent determines the sex of the baby?


                      Mother       Father


41. A diagram that shows how genes are passed on in families over several generations is called a _________________.


42. The genetic disorder in which thick mucous builds up in the lungs and digestive organs is called __________________.



























1. sickle cell disease (anemia)
2. proteins
3. Karyotypes show the chromosomes from one individual; pedigrees show phenotypes of many individuals in a family over many generations
4. lethal
5. Tay-Sachs, Phenylketonuria (PKU), or cystic fibrosis
6. C. Jewish or Middle Eastern/Mediterranean
7. A- can't transport Cl- ions
8. Huntington's disease or Achondroplasia
9. X-linked recessive
10. nondisjunction
11. Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome
12. karyotype
13. Autosomal Dominant
14. 2 X's; no Y = female
15. malaria
16. Turner syndrome (only one X chromosome)
17. Colorblindness, hemophilia, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
18. males
19. hemophilia
20. Barr bodies
21. are also called "little people"
22. autosomes
23. Bobby and Ryan (filled in squares)
24. They are carriers; they have one normal allele and one allele with the mutation for the genetic disorder
25. heterozygote advantage
26. Turner

27. hemophilia
28. A. African Americans
29.  FALSE (They have 2 of each autosome so they could have one normal allele and mutation)
30. X-linked recessive
31. trisomy

32. Klinefelter
33. none, males only have one X chromosome
34. mutation

35. all cells have autosomes; these are the chromosomes that carry genes for all your traits!
36. caucasians

37. Down Syndrome = Trisomy 21

38. B- Tay-Sachs

39. FALSE-Females can show it; They just need 2 mutant X's

40. father
41. pedigree

42. cystic fibrosis